The Radix DLT Youtube channel serves as the prime avenue for promoting Radix. Besides disseminating blockchain knowledge, Radix frequently hosts developer events. CEO Piers Ridyard engages in weekly podcast with celebrity in the Web 3.
Investigate the current web3 channel ecosystemCreate channels that stand out from the market
Branding and storyboard
After I set up the Design Goals and Strategies, I start to make story board with Radix original colors and font.
Opening animation
Radix Iconography
I have converted Radix Iconography into various animated components and Lottie files, enabling all third-party designers to freely utilize these elements.
Final result
You can see the final result at Radix Youtube Channel @RadixDLT.
Motion & Video Design Guide hand book
I compiled the entire Youtube animation specifications into a Motion & Video Design Guide. This handbook has been used internally within the company and with collaborating third-party video editors and animators.